Vaccine products for sheep (Republic of Ireland)

(For NI products please click here)


A live vaccine for the reduction of enzootic abortion caused by Chlamydophila abortus in sheep. This product may only be prescribed by your local veterinary practitioner from whom advice should be sought.


Footvax is for the active immunisation of sheep against footrot caused by Dichelobacter nodosus for the purposes of reducing the risk of a clinical infection due to Dichelobacter nodosus.

Heptavac P Plus

Heptavac-P Plus provides effective pasteurella (Mannheimia haemolytica, Bibersteinia trehalosi) and clostridial protection (7 species) for breeding sheep.

Ovivac-P Plus

Combined 4 in 1 Clostridial vaccine which also contains Mannheimia haemolytica antigens.

Tribovax 10

Tribovax 10 is a liquid vaccine for injection containing inactivated clostridial antigens with an aluminium potassium sulphate (alum) adjuvant. It is a light brown aqueous suspension that settles on storage, which resuspends on shaking.