Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is a widespread immunosuppressive illness of young chickens that is linked to increased mortality, reduced flock uniformity and higher rates of processing rejects. Chickens infected with IBD also face a much higher susceptibility to other poultry diseases. Signs of the clinical disease can include depression, watery diarrhoea, ruffled feathers and dehydration.

IBD is highly contagious and there are no medications available to treat it. However, IBD can be controlled through vaccination programmes. Vaccines can be administered in-ovo, subcutaneous at day old, or via drinking water when maternal antibodies have waned.

Innovax®-ND-IBD is the first ever dual-construct HVT vaccine to protect against IBD, in addition to Newcastle disease and Marek’s disease, in a single vaccine that can be administered via subcutaneous or in ovo application at the hatchery. Innovax ND IBD uses the less virulent, but highly effective HVT virus as the base for this breakthrough innovation that protects against three diseases in one dose.