Nobilis Salenvac T

An inactivated vaccine against S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium in poultry. This product may only be prescribed by your veterinary practitioner from whom advice must be sought.

Product information for Veterinary Healthcare Professionals

Nobilis Salenvac T is a combined inactivated vaccine for the active immunisation of chickens against two major salmonella threats to public health – Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4, and Salmonella typhimurium DT 104. Most breeder flocks in the chicken industry, through Assured Chicken Production, are vaccinated against salmonella. Similarly, layers are vaccinated to comply with the Lion Code. Salenvac T offers the broadest protection available against salmonellosis in poultry.

For uses, dosage, contra-indications and warnings, please see data sheet. Use medicine responsibly. Further information is available on request.

Legal Category

Packaging Quantities
250ml or 500ml polyethylene multidose bottles.

Summary of Product Characteristics

For Summary of Product Characteristics, first click on this link. Then type in Nobilis Salenvac T in Product name field. Click on Run search. Subsequently click on View SPC on line listing opposite Nobilis Salenvac T.